Advertise on Tiktok

Grow your business by reaching new people who are engaged + interested to discover your company.
  Start Advertising within 2 days.

   Drive more leads or sales

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   Send more people to your website

   11 targeting methods based on demographics, device, interest and custom audience


 Contact for TikTok Ads

What is your Marketing Objective?


Advertise on Global Video Platform

In-Feed Ads
A storytelling video ad embedded within the 'For You' feed, designed to drive users to engage with your Ad Content or Business Account and convert interested users.

A video ad that showcases your brand immediately when users open TikTok to reach and engage audiences with impactful sight and sound.

Brand Takeover
A full-screen takeover that users see first each day, increases brand awareness and maximizes your ad's impact.

Branded Effect
Encourage a deeper level of user engagement and higher quality UGC with fun and interactive Branded Effects, boosting your brand among a mobile-first audience.

Branded Hashtag Challenge
A unique engaging format to generate mass exposure and attraction around your brand, by inviting users to generate content with a branded theme.
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A5 Building, Office G001, Dubai Digital Park

Dubai Silicon Oasis, UAE